Results for 'Sandra Eridia Nieto Useche'

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  1.  19
    Investigar, leer y escribir en la Universidad: El docente investigador mediador y aprendices investigadores autónomos.Sandra Eridia Nieto Useche - 2019 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 7 (2):51-63.
    El artículo es una creación en la que convergen las experiencias, indagaciones, discusiones suscitadas en los antecedentes y el desarrollo del Proyecto “Investigar, leer y escribir en la universidad:el docente investigador mediador y aprendices investigadores autónomos”, que identifica la problemática sobre la orientación de investigación formativa en pregrado, en la relación docencia-investigación; así, formula la pregunta directriz ¿Cómo orientar el proceso de investigación formativa en la formulación de proyectos de investigación? La propuesta recoge la experiencia docente e investigativa en lectura, (...)
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    Psychosocial Work Factors, Job Stress and Strain at the Wheel: Validation of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire in Professional Drivers.Sergio A. Useche, Luis Montoro, Francisco Alonso & Juan C. Pastor - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Readings of Otherness in Colombian Legal Multiculturalism.Nataly Guzman Useche - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 29:99-118.
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    Jóvenes y productividad: las nuevas formas del trabajo y el problema del desarrollo humano.Oscar Useche Aldana - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 23.
    Este artículo plantea un análisis de las transformaciones en el mundo del trabajo que ha traído consigo el modo de producción post-fordista, avivadas por la crisis global del capitalismo, así como por las consecuencias para el empleo y la productividad de la población joven de América Latina. El hecho de que sean la cognición, el lenguaje y la comunicación los más poderosos focos de la producción inmaterial que hoy reconfiguran el paisaje de estas sociedades en tránsito, hace de los jóvenes (...)
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  5. La potencia creativa de la resistencia a la guerra.Oscar Useche - 2003 - Polis 6.
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    L’occident défini par Comte : un européocentrisme anticolonial?Tonatiuh Useche-Sandoval - 2022 - Cahiers Philosophiques 166 (3):63-77.
    Pour Auguste Comte, l’idée européenne ne servait plus à éclairer ni à modifier la marche des peuples vers ce stade final de l’Humanité qu’est l’état positif. Comte redéfinit l’Europe comme Occident, afin que le centre européen, au lieu d’être le quartier général d’un empire planétaire, soit un foyer spirituel de diffusion du progrès. L’article rappelle les contours sociologiques et les composantes politiques qui distinguent la République occidentale, avant de s’intéresser aux mesures concrètes que Comte envisagea pour instaurer l’occidentalité et restaurer (...)
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    Las rutas del viaje en la cuestión del reconocimiento: un diálogo con la obra de Judith Butler.Nataly Guzman Useche - 2016 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 37 (114):133.
    _ _ El objetivo del presente artículo de reflexión, es mostrar cómo en la obra de la norteamericana Judith Butler se ponen en tensión los presupuestos del _sujeto_ de la tradición liberal para la asignación de reconocimiento, permitiendo consolidar un puente desde su postura crítica a otras formas de aparecimiento de la otredad, que amplíen este concepto y que permitan apropiarse del viaje como recurso para su reconfiguración Palabras clave: reconocimiento, Judith Butler, otredad, viajes, outsider.
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    La potencia creativa de la resistencia a la guerra.Oscar Useche Aldana - 2003 - Polis 6.
    El autor realza esta opción de vida que han tomado poblaciones enteras cercadas por la violencia y el terror levantada por los poderes armados. Ahonda en el debate sobre la resistencia civil desde la perspectiva de la noviolencia, y de la riqueza de las minorías invisibles en su acción social liberadora. Con ello se replantea el tema del poder y se promueve la autonomía, la afectividad y la reconstrucción del tejido social afirmativo de la vida como fuerza creadora.
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  9.  28
    Miedo, seguridad y resistencias: el miedo como articulación política de la negatividad.Oscar Useche Aldana - 2008 - Polis 19.
    El miedo es hoy uno de los elementos constitutivos más poderosos de las relaciones sociales y de los procesos de producción de subjetividades que buscan la homogenización y la desaparición de las diferencias, así sea a costa de la liquidación de los diferentes. El miedo se constituye en un operador de los territorios del poder para el control y la contención del deseo de los ciudadanos y, las políticas que lo promueven, se transforman y articulan a las nuevas modalidades de (...)
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    Parutions.Tonatiuh Useche-Sandoval - 2018 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3:117.
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  11. Calidad del servicio de internet en el municipio Maracaibo.María Cristina Useche & Yeiling Fernández - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 10 (3):371-382.
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  12.  21
    Is safety in the eye of the beholder? Discrepancies between self-reported and proxied data on road safety behaviors—A systematic review.Sergio A. Useche, Mireia Faus & Francisco Alonso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent studies have problematized on the lack of agreement between self-reported and proxied data in the field of road safety-related behaviors. Overall, and although these studies are still scarce, most of them suggest that the way we perceive our own road behavior is systematically different from the perspective from which we perceive others' behavior, and vice versa. The aim of this review paper was to target the number and type of studies that have researched the behavioral perceptions of different groups (...)
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  13.  12
    « L'Occident » par Richard Congreve.Tonatiuh Useche Sandoval - 2014 - Cahiers Philosophiques 2:90.
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    La politique positive et l'Europe.Tonatiuh Useche Sandoval - 2014 - Cahiers Philosophiques 2:86.
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    La revolución angloamericana como herramienta. Nueva Granada 1808-1816.Isidro Vanegas Useche - 2016 - Co-herencia 13 (25):89-118.
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  16. Transparent, explainable, and accountable AI for robotics.Sandra Wachter, Brent Mittelstadt & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Science (Robotics) 2 (6):eaan6080.
    To create fair and accountable AI and robotics, we need precise regulation and better methods to certify, explain, and audit inscrutable systems.
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  17. The feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversies.Sandra G. Harding (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    In the mid-1970s and early 1980s, several feminist theorists began developing alternatives to the traditional methods of scientific research. The result was a new theory, now recognized as Standpoint Theory, which caused heated debate and radically altered the way research is conducted. The Feminist Standpoint Theory Reader is the first anthology to collect the most important essays on the subject as well as more recent works that bring the topic up-to-date. Leading feminist scholar and one of the founders of Standpoint (...)
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    Sex and Scientific Inquiry.Sandra G. Harding & Jean F. O'Barr - 1987
  19. Standpoint Theories: Productively Controversial.Sandra Harding - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):192 - 200.
  20. Gender schema theory: A cognitive account of sex typing.Sandra Lipsitz Bem - 1981 - Psychological Review 88 (4):354-364.
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    Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory.Sandra Lee Bartky, Paul Benson, Sue Campbell, Claudia Card, Robin S. Dillon, Jean Harvey, Karen Jones, Charles W. Mills, James Lindemann Nelson, Margaret Urban Walker, Rebecca Whisnant & Catherine Wilson (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Moral psychology studies the features of cognition, judgement, perception and emotion that make human beings capable of moral action. Perspectives from feminist and race theory immensely enrich moral psychology. Writers who take these perspectives ask questions about mind, feeling, and action in contexts of social difference and unequal power and opportunity. These essays by a distinguished international cast of philosophers explore moral psychology as it connects to social life, scientific studies, and literature.
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    Socrates and Philosophy in the Dialogues of Plato.Sandra Peterson - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Plato's Apology, Socrates says he spent his life examining and questioning people on how best to live, while avowing that he himself knows nothing important. Elsewhere, however, for example in Plato's Republic, Plato's Socrates presents radical and grandiose theses. In this book Sandra Peterson offers a hypothesis which explains the puzzle of Socrates' two contrasting manners. She argues that the apparently confident doctrinal Socrates is in fact conducting the first step of an examination: by eliciting his interlocutors' reactions, (...)
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  23. Educación, ética y cultura: una mirada desde Paulo Freire/Education, Culture and Ethics: A.Obando Gelvis & María Cristina Useche - 2009 - Telos (Venezuela) 11 (2).
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    Sur la nature conceptuelle des constantes physiques.Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond & Tonatiuh Useche Sandoval - 2013 - Cahiers Philosophiques 4:92.
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  25. El principio de responsabilidad.Landys José Guerrero Peña & María Cristina Useche - 2007 - Episteme 3 (10).
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    The lessons of sociology of Auguste Comte.Tonatiuh Useche Sandoval - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (3):667-670.
    This paper deals with the questions of emergence and complex (mental and social) systems and with downward determination from the viewpoint of perspectival realism. These are issues concerning the foundations of the human sciences, generally speaking, and particularly psychology and sociology. A criterion is put forward, which distinguish metaphysicalfrom ontological (conceptual) problems, and the notions of complex, hierarchic system and causation that would be suitable for those that defend emergence and perspectivist foundations of the human sciences are discussed. Este artigo (...)
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  27. Discovering Reality: Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science.Sandra G. Harding & Merrill B. Hintikka (eds.) - 2003 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This collection of essays, first published two decades ago, presents central feminist critiques and analyses of natural and social sciences and their philosophies. Unfortunately, in spite of the brilliant body of research and scholarship in these fields in subsequent decades, the insights of these essays remain as timely now as they were then: philosophy and the sciences still presume kinds of social innocence to which they are not entitled. The essays focus on Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hobbes, Rousseau, and Marx; on (...)
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    Finding Your Voice in the Streets: Street Art and Epistemic Injustice.Sandra Bacharach - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):31-43.
    I argue that activists have co-opted street art as a tool for addressing epistemic injustices, injustices that result from negative identity prejudices that silence certain groups of people unfairly. To defend this claim, I explore the special nature of street art that makes it an especially appropriate tool for activists to enlist in the fight against epistemic injustices. From there, I will examine in detail two case studies which illustrate how street art is used to respond to and correct for (...)
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    Anosmic peer review: A rose by another name is evidently not a rose.Sandra Scarr - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):237-238.
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    Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Pluralism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    This work runs counter to the traditional interpretations of Peirce's philosophy by eliciting an inherent strand of pragmatic pluralism that is embedded in the very core of his thought and that weaves his various doctrines into a systematic ...
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  31. Toward a Phenomenology of Feminist Consciousness.Sandra Lee Bartky - 1975 - Social Theory and Practice 3 (4):425-439.
  32.  86
    Why We Need Ordinary Language Philosophy.Sandra Laugier - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Drawing on J. L. Austin and the later works of Ludwig Wittgenstein, she argues for the solution provided by ordinary language philosophy—a philosophy that trusts and utilizes the everyday use of language and the clarity of meaning it ...
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    Editorial: Special Issue Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: ‘Sport and Psychoanalysis’.Sandra Meeuwsen - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):1-6.
    ‘Cause of a Lust for LifeI got a Lust for LifeGot a Lust for LifeOh, a Lust for Life’Iggy Pop, 1977Why this Special Issue on Sport & Psychoanalysis, a still relatively little explored approach in c...
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    Logic from Kant to Russell.Sandra Lapointe (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The scope and method of logic as we know it today eminently reflect the ground-breaking developments of set theory and the logical foundations of mathematics at the turn of the 20th century. Unfortunately, little effort has been made to understand the idiosyncrasies of the philosophical context that led to these tremendous innovations in the 19thcentury beyond what is found in the works of mathematicians such as Frege, Hilbert, and Russell. This constitutes a monumental gap in our understanding of the central (...)
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    After Fifty Years, Why Are Protein X-ray Crystallographers Still in Business?Sandra D. Mitchell & Angela M. Gronenborn - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (3):703-723.
    ABSTRACT It has long been held that the structure of a protein is determined solely by the interactions of the atoms in the sequence of amino acids of which it is composed, and thus the stable, biologically functional conformation should be predictable by ab initio or de novo methods. However, except for small proteins, ab initio predictions have not been successful. We explain why this is the case and argue that the relationship among the different methods, models, and representations of (...)
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  36.  47
    Consistent (but not variable) names as invitations to form object categories: new evidence from 12-month-old infants.Sandra R. Waxman & Irena Braun - 2005 - Cognition 95 (3):B59-B68.
  37. Rethinking business ethics: a pragmatic approach.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Rogene A. Buchholz.
    Using classical American pragmatism, the authors provide a philosophical framework for rethinking the nature of the corporation--how it is embedded in its natural, technological, cultural, and international environments, emphasizing throughout its pervasive relational and moral dimensions. They explore the relationship of this framework to other contemporary business ethics perspectives, as well as its implications for moral leadership in business and business education.
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  38. The Impact of Human Resource Management on Corporate Social Performance Strengths and Concerns.Sandra Rothenberg, Clyde Eiríkur Hull & Zhi Tang - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (3):391-418.
    Although high-performance human resource practices do not directly affect corporate social performance strengths, they do positively affect CSP strengths in companies that are highly innovative or have high levels of slack. High-performance human resource management practices also directly and negatively affect CSP concerns. Drawing on the resource-based view and using secondary data from an objective, third-party database, the authors develop and test hypotheses about how high-performance HRM affects a company’s CSP strengths and concerns. Findings suggest that HRM and innovation are (...)
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  39. Function, fitness and disposition.Sandra D. Mitchell - 1995 - Biology and Philosophy 10 (1):39-54.
    In this paper I discuss recent debates concerning etiological theories of functions. I defend an etiological theory against two criticisms, namely the ability to account for malfunction, and the problem of structural doubles. I then consider the arguments provided by Bigelow and Pargetter (1987) for a more forward looking account of functions as propensities or dispositions. I argue that their approach fails to address the explanatory problematic for which etiological theories were developed.
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    Caring, control, and clinicians' influence: Ethical dilemmas in development disabilities.Sandra L. Friedman, David T. Helm & Joseph Marrone - 1999 - Ethics and Behavior 9 (4):349 – 364.
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    Mead and Merleau-Ponty: Toward a Common Vision.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Patrick L. Bourgeois - 1991 - State University of New York Press.
    Unites George Herbert Mead and Maurice Merleau-Ponty in a shared rejection of substance philosophy as well as spectator theory of knowledge, in favor of a focus on the ultimacy of temporal process and the constitutive function of social praxis.
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  42. Judging the Other: Responding to Traditional Female Genital Surgeries.Sandra D. Lane & Robert A. Rubinstein - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (3):31-40.
    Western feminists, physicians, and ethicists condemn the traditional genital surgeries performed on women in some non‐Western cultures. But coming to moral judgment is not the end of the story; we must also decide what to do about our judgments. We must learn to work respectfully with, not independently of, local resources for cultural self‐examination and change.
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    Educación, ética y cultura: una mirada desde Paulo Freire.Obando José Gelvis Leal & María Cristina Useche - 2009 - Telos (Venezuela) 11 (2):182-193.
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    Is Gender a Variable in Conceptions of Rationality? A Survey of Issues.Sandra Harding - 1982 - Dialectica 36 (2‐3):225-242.
    SummaryPhilosophic questions about the adequacy of our prevailing Western conceptions of rationality have emerged from the growing recognition that one cannot simply “add women” as objects of knowledge to the existing bodies of our social and natural knowledge. Recent research in psychology and in moral development theory suggests that our understandings of the rationality of human activity are distorted and obscured by systematically identifying as universally desireable, as Human goals, conceptions of the self, others, and the appropriate relationships between the (...)
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    Specifying the scope of 13-month-olds' expectations for novel words.Sandra R. Waxman - 1999 - Cognition 70 (3):35-50.
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    The distinctive characteristics of bullshit: intention, meaningfulness, and source reliability.Sandra Ilić & Kaja Damnjanović - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
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    After Fifty Years, Why Are Protein X-ray Crystallographers Still in Business?Sandra D. Mitchell & Angela M. Gronenborn - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axv051.
    It has long been held that the structure of a protein is determined solely by the interactions of the atoms in the sequence of amino acids of which it is composed, and thus the stable, biologically functional conformation should be predictable by ab initio or de novo methods. However, except for small proteins, ab initio predictions have not been successful. We explain why this is the case and argue that the relationship among the different methods, models, and representations of protein (...)
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  48. (2 other versions)[Book review] the science question in feminism. [REVIEW]Sandra G. Harding - 1988 - Feminist Studies 14 (1):561-574.
    This essay is a critical review of Sandra Harding's The Science Question in Feminism. Her text constitutes a monumental effort to capture an overview of recent feminist critique of science and to develop a feminist dialectical and materialist conception of the history of masculinist science. In this analysis of Harding's work, the organizing categories as well as the main assumptions of the text are reconstructed for closer examination within the context of modern feminist critique of science and feminist theory (...)
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    Principles that are invoked in the acquisition of words, but not facts.Sandra R. Waxman & Amy E. Booth - 2000 - Cognition 77 (2):B33-B43.
  50. The role of journalist and the performance of journalism: Ethical lessons from "fake" news (seriously).Sandra L. Borden & Chad Tew - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (4):300 – 314.
    Some have suggested that Jon Stewart of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (TDS) and Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report (TCR) represent a new kind of journalist. We propose, rather, that Stewart and Colbert are imitators who do not fully inhabit the role of journalist. They are interesting because sometimes they do a better job performing the functions of journalism than journalists themselves. However, Stewart and Colbert do not share journalists' moral commitments. Therefore, their performances are neither motivated nor (...)
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